Tuesday 25 September 2012

Seasonal Allergies Part 3 - A Battle Won!

I've been putting off this post for a while now.. thinking that it was too soon to say I've won the long raging battle against seasonal allergies. Knowing something good was happening, I wasn't about to jinx it!

However, the time has come that I can say with confidence, that my war on allergies is finally over. Late summer has come and gone, and we're nearing the end of September now and I haven't lost a single nights sleep, or a single day at work! For the first time in 4 years, I survived this season breathing easy!

Energy medicine is a truly remarkable tool. Who would ever imagine that it is possible to overcome an ailment as stubborn as seasonal allergies WITHOUT DRUGS, using nothing but your own energy? If someone were to tell me that a few years ago I would be a total skeptic. However it has worked like a charm for me, in REAL LIFE! And I'm so excited to share it with anyone who has suffered the way I have with seasonal allergies.

Dr. Melanie Smith (Well Within) has a section on her website dedicated to Energy Medicine for Seasonal Allergies. When I read down through the routine it made sense to me right off the bat! It has a lot to do with holding and tapping certain acupressure points, some of which were new to me and some I had already learned. She also focuses on some energy medicine techniques that were already a part of my daily routine such as the Crown Pull, and the 3 Thumps (K-27, Thymus and Spleen). In my opinion, the most important aspect is to sedate Triple Warmer and strenghten Spleen. When I do this, it feels so right. I often wonder if I would have had similar results following just this step. When short on time, thats the one I refer to most often.

Here is a link to Dr. Mealnie's Seasonal Allergy Routine:

I cannot thank this woman enough for what she has given me through this simple routine! I've had absolutely amazing results.

I believe the great results I've had with warding off allergies this year can also be attributed to the fact that I've acknowledged the roots of this disorder. As noted in previous posts on this topic, it all came about at a time of great loss and grief in my life. I think a certain amount of healing came about when I began to understand, then I acknowledged and released the need for my body to fight seasonal allergens.

The power of calming Triple Warmer when your body is reacting is incredible. Here is a little anecdote as an aside; One night over the summer when we were out around the bay, my Mother had a strong reaction to some mosquito bites. The site of the bite began to swell and she was incredibly itchy. I showed her how to calm TW (simply by tracing the meridian around the ear, over the shoulder, down the arm and off the ring finger) and we did it together, 3 times on each side, and sure enough the swelling went down and the itch went away. There was a huge lesson in that for me, one I will never forget. I also remember to always be grateful to TW because although it gives us a hard time, without it we'd be even worse off!

(Its important to note that I still have the occasional sneeze and nose blow, but what was once a 10 is now a 2. This time last year, there was no air moving though my nose at all! )

Today I have one less thing to worry about! That makes me a happy camper :)
