Tuesday 25 September 2012

Seasonal Allergies Part 3 - A Battle Won!

I've been putting off this post for a while now.. thinking that it was too soon to say I've won the long raging battle against seasonal allergies. Knowing something good was happening, I wasn't about to jinx it!

However, the time has come that I can say with confidence, that my war on allergies is finally over. Late summer has come and gone, and we're nearing the end of September now and I haven't lost a single nights sleep, or a single day at work! For the first time in 4 years, I survived this season breathing easy!

Energy medicine is a truly remarkable tool. Who would ever imagine that it is possible to overcome an ailment as stubborn as seasonal allergies WITHOUT DRUGS, using nothing but your own energy? If someone were to tell me that a few years ago I would be a total skeptic. However it has worked like a charm for me, in REAL LIFE! And I'm so excited to share it with anyone who has suffered the way I have with seasonal allergies.

Dr. Melanie Smith (Well Within) has a section on her website dedicated to Energy Medicine for Seasonal Allergies. When I read down through the routine it made sense to me right off the bat! It has a lot to do with holding and tapping certain acupressure points, some of which were new to me and some I had already learned. She also focuses on some energy medicine techniques that were already a part of my daily routine such as the Crown Pull, and the 3 Thumps (K-27, Thymus and Spleen). In my opinion, the most important aspect is to sedate Triple Warmer and strenghten Spleen. When I do this, it feels so right. I often wonder if I would have had similar results following just this step. When short on time, thats the one I refer to most often.

Here is a link to Dr. Mealnie's Seasonal Allergy Routine:

I cannot thank this woman enough for what she has given me through this simple routine! I've had absolutely amazing results.

I believe the great results I've had with warding off allergies this year can also be attributed to the fact that I've acknowledged the roots of this disorder. As noted in previous posts on this topic, it all came about at a time of great loss and grief in my life. I think a certain amount of healing came about when I began to understand, then I acknowledged and released the need for my body to fight seasonal allergens.

The power of calming Triple Warmer when your body is reacting is incredible. Here is a little anecdote as an aside; One night over the summer when we were out around the bay, my Mother had a strong reaction to some mosquito bites. The site of the bite began to swell and she was incredibly itchy. I showed her how to calm TW (simply by tracing the meridian around the ear, over the shoulder, down the arm and off the ring finger) and we did it together, 3 times on each side, and sure enough the swelling went down and the itch went away. There was a huge lesson in that for me, one I will never forget. I also remember to always be grateful to TW because although it gives us a hard time, without it we'd be even worse off!

(Its important to note that I still have the occasional sneeze and nose blow, but what was once a 10 is now a 2. This time last year, there was no air moving though my nose at all! )

Today I have one less thing to worry about! That makes me a happy camper :)


Wednesday 27 June 2012

Seasonal Allergies - Part 2 *Ah Ha!*

Don't you love that moment when all of a sudden the light comes on, and things finally start to make sense?! That's exactly what happened to me in the late summer of 2011 when the battle with allergies began to rage again. At this point I had read the Energy Medicine books, but since I only suffer with allergies for 10 or 12 weeks of the year, I wasn't particularly focused on that issue when I started reading these books during winter. I began to realize that my emotional past played a huge role in this recurring seasonal nightmare. And I hope by telling this story, it may help someone else who is searching for relief. (of course, I am not trying to imply that every allergy has an emotional link, but I believe it can be a definite possibility.)

As you may already know from a previous post, I lost my Dad in April of 2008. This was a huge loss in my life, me and my Dad were like peas in a pod! We shared the same birthday, the same interests, sense of humor personality... etc. I've learned a whole lot about grieving since then, and I still don't think I'm fully through it. One of the major things I've learned is that everyone's grief is intensely unique and personal, no one can tell you how to deal, and you yourself won't even know how so you just have to take it as it comes and let it happen. Since no two people have the same relationship, no two people will experience grief in the same way, I believe this is one of the greatest life lessons I've learned so far. For me, the full extent of that grief didn't come down on me until several months later. It was then I felt ready to cry and be sad, which was... you guessed it... late summer 2008.

Throughout my reading, I paid particular attention to a story that Donna Eden shared about a young woman who was eating a bowl of grapes when she received a phone call that her Mother had died, and ever since that moment she had developed a severe allergy to grapes. The key here is the triple warmer meridian.. in fact, triple warmer is much more than just a meridian, it is also recognized as a radiant circuit and is an energy system in itself. Triple warmer is our inner fighter, it governs the "fight, flight or freeze" response and our immune system, among other things. When triple warmer senses you are in danger it goes into high alert, and tries to protect you against things in your environment that are not really a direct threat. So, when that young woman was eating grapes and got the devastating phone call, she was sent into fight or flight, and triple warmer was considering the grapes to be a great threat.

It turns out that in my case, the great "danger" that was surrounding me during my time of grief (when my body was in fight or flight) was tree pollen in the atmosphere in late summer. I went to see our local homeopathic doctor who was able to energy test me for allergens. He noted that I had a mild allergy to dust, I was not allergic to dogs and nor did I have any trace of asthma. My severe allergy was indeed tree pollen being released into the atmosphere at a time corresponding to when that terrible grief fell upon me back in 2008. And these stubborn symptoms come back to haunt me every year at the same time.

Armed with this information I finally felt that things were coming together for me. Now, I just needed some help to get good ol' triple warmer back on track. Since then I've learned several techniques that have helped me breathe clearly, and that will be the topic of my next post!


Tuesday 26 June 2012

Seasonal Allergies - Part 1 *aachooo*

For the last 4 years I've suffered something feirce during late summer and early fall. Its been a long road, but last year I finally had some major breakthroughs and I feel like I may never need to suffer from allergies like that ever again! (Thats the plan, at least)

It all started in the late summer of 2008. I went to visit one of my friends who had some cats, and I've always been allergic to cats. This reaction was particularly bad, my lungs began to itch and I had to get out of there. It didn't go away like it usually would once I got away from the cats, but it persisted for about 10 weeks before there were any signs of relief. I went to the doctor, who thought it must be an infection, so pumped me up on antibiotics. When they didn't work, I was given even stronger ones... not a good situation. It was worse in the night, I couldn't sleep.. my face hurt, it was awful. Then one day I was ok.

At the same time the following year, 2009, it stared again. At this point I still didn't understand I was dealing with allergies. The doctors didn't pick up on it either.. I was sent to see the ENT and he stuck his little light up my nose and had a look around. He said things looked fine, and that was it. Now what? I just have to deal with it? I guess so. I was missing work over it too.. To look at me it appeared as though I was dyin with the flu. How frustrating!

2010 I was starting to clue in that perhaps this was allergy related. I got referred to the allergy specialist.. and this was the most frustrating thing of all! She said I was allergic to my little dog, severely allergic to dust, and asthmatic. She prescribed me a puffer and wagged her finger at me saying "Now little Miss, if you do not take care of this and use your puffer every day you will become very sick!" I left her office in tears. Her diagnosis made no sense to me what so ever!!! I'm around my dear little dog all year round, and if I had a severe allergy to dust, why was it only for about 10-12 weeks of the year? I wasn't going to accept this as the truth, it was definitely not MY truth.

To not accept the diagnosis from the allergy "specialist" was one of the best things I could ever do for myself!! This is when things began to unfold for me, and everything began to make sense.

I'm breaking this story into parts because it would make for one very long post!

As I'm sure you've already guessed... the key to this issue is energetic, of course!! Stay tuned!


I'm PSYCHIC! Wait...It's coming to me...YOU are too!

Ha ha! I love this topic because it makes me feel like a kid again. Tapping into your intuition is like bringing back all that is wonderful and mystical about living in this life we live in.

I have always relied on my intuition but more so since starting on this path of energy medicine. The practices in energy have tuned in my intuition the way one would fine tune a radio dial. The signals are crisp and clear and my gut affirms that they are right on the money.

Energy medicine and intuition go hand in hand. The more you use your intuition with energy medicine, the better you get and the more you practice energy medicine the better your intuition becomes.

I'm 34 years old and my whole life I have had visions of the future, visions of the past and very clear words or ideas come to mind to guide me in my choices. I believe that it's not just interpreting signals but creating what you want from believing it to be true. The law of attraction. I remember when I was 4 years old how I would intuit which grandparents house we would go to on Sunday, my Mom's parents or my Dads parents. I was always right. Never failed. I knew then that I had a special 'power'. At 4 years old I knew that I could not only predict what could happen but control what happened. We all create our own worlds.
This skill I carried with me growing up. When I was 13, I was madly in love with a boy from school. I was walking home one day and as I was approaching a house where a different boy lived. I vividly imagined that the boy I liked had gone over to this other boys house and the both of them were in there hanging out. This was far fetched since they didn't really know each other that well but I thought  'how cool it would be if they opened the door and walked out just as I was walking by'. My fantasy went on and on about how we would stop and talk and there would be a connection and we would fall in love and live happily ever after. I walked RIGHT in front of the house, the door opened and the two boys walked out. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but sure enough, there he was plain as day and gorgeous as ever. We ended up dating and we lived happily ever after! Well, as happily ever after as high school gets. A few weeks or so...HA!

I don't know where it waned, but somewhere in between teenage years and having children at 30 years old, it just wasn't there as much. I think it's because I convinced myself it wasn't real or trustworthy. It was dormant but still there and would resurface when the phone would ring and I would know who it was or something similar to that. I was secretly intuitive. One part of myself knowing it and another part ignoring it.

Since I have been studying energy, no more than two months, my intuition has blasted through in full force.  Here is an example. One of the first things I wanted to try on Ryan was magnets for pain relief. I knew I had a little round magnet somewhere in the house but didn't know where to look. I have two kids and there are many pockets, baskets, bins, and bags of miscellaneous toys, socks trinkets etc.. I thought, OK...I'll just go through the whole house until I find it! I also knew there was a little toy compass somewhere. Same scenario...turn the house upside down to find it.  It tuns out I didn't have to do any rummaging at all! I was on the phone with my good friend explaining this new energy thing I'm doing. I get really excited when I talk about energy, so I was pacing back and forth, talking a mile a minute. When I stop to breathe and listen to what she was saying. I look down and there stuck to my metal filing cabinet was my little round magnet! So I pick it up and no sooner is it in my hand that my gaze falls to a spot across the sea of toys and socks and there in a little clearing is the toy compass! EEEEEE! I now had both the compass and the magnet in my hand and I'm almost laughing on the phone while trying to listen to what my friend had to say.
Many other things happened too. I would just decide to try something on Ryan and then read up on it and it was the exact thing I should be doing. All the information out there was overwhelming to me at first but I was picking the right exercises to try.

It feels amazing to be able to just let it be what it is and trust in it. It's free! As I was saying to Annie last night as she was clearing my "shockers" (as Ryan thinks they are called) I mentioned how it feels like I've been practicing energy medicine my whole life. THAT is because my intuition guides my hands, my thoughts, my words. It is natural. She feels the same way. Now my everyday life is full of pleasant surprises too! I'm matching up my intention with my intuition and I'm receiving gifts from the spiritual and material world more and more frequently. I've never felt so positive that ANYTHING is possible.

Everyone has intuition, your energy is intelligent and is constantly giving you signs of what it needs to make your world the best of all possible worlds. I hope you all tune out, tune in, tune up, turn down, and start hearing what you are saying to yourself. Your soul knows where it wants to go and it will lead you there if you're willing to follow.

Peace and love,


Wednesday 20 June 2012

Expelling the Venom of the Summer Solstice

OH boy! Where do I begin? I was going to post about something else but I've had a doozy of a day and as it happens I need to write about it.

This is the longest day of the year. It feels like the longest week of the year!! Has anyone else been feeling tired this week? I know you have Annie. Well, I have been drained of most of my energy and it has taken all my efforts to stay on track and stay positive.

I have to admit that when I get stressed out, I get angry. When I have no time for myself, I get angry. When I feel like I'm sacrificing a lot for others and not getting anything in return, I get angry. When I'm feeling great even, and the people in my life are full of complaints and negative energy and are not even a little bit thankful for what they have...you guessed it...I get angry.

There are a few main stressors in my life. One is my partner, who is in constant pain from debilitating fibromyalgia and anxiety. I love him, adore his work ethic, good natured way and his huge heart but some days I'm drained from his energy.

Two is my daughter, who is 4, and is full of energy, curiousity, and has an insatiable appetite. This leads to many 1/2 eaten snacks and more dishes in the sink. She is full of imagination and creativity and I love her to pieces but she doesn't obey my orders lately and it's becoming dangerous. She will run across the street, hurt her younger sister, climb up on the counter all while ignoring my screams to stop. I'm in a constant state of fear that she's going to injury herself or someone else. This stresses me out. Also she has stopped going to sleep at her bedtime, insisting that I stay with her until she falls asleep. This sometimes takes hours! Then I start feeling a slew of feelings about not having anytime left for me in the night, neglecting my self and my studies and so on. This makes me angry.

Three...actually I can't think of another one right now...

So anyway, my day was a constant battle with her. I didn't even have the presence of mind to be able to do my 5 minute energy routine. Everything was building into a chaotic frenzy. By the time bedtime rolled around, I was mentally exhausted and she was tired and unpredictable. I thought she was going to go off to sleep but she kicked up a stink and ended up waking her sister. Now I have two crying children and my head is about to pop.

 I must say that since I started energy medicine and EFT I have been more patient than I ever have been but tonight was one for the record books. Now matter how hard I tried to bring myself back to a place of peace, the anger was there, right below the surface.

So I took the little one and rocked her while she was waiting. It just wasn't working, she was making too much noise and keeping the baby awake. Finally in her crib, the baby was asleep. I lay down with her and went through the routine of scratching her back, rubbing her belly and stroking her hair. I thought she was asleep when I left the room and then I hear wailing coming from the bedroom. She wasn't asleep and the baby is awake again. I threw her back into bed and yelled at her. I scared her half to death and I've been in tears ever since.

I have some horrible guilt that she is going to grow up and repeat my actions. The first 6 years are the years that shape who we become and I'm scared that I've ruined her.
This is not the first time I've exploded at the kids or Ryan but it has been a long, long time. I thought I was done with this behavior.

So I did some EEM exercises once I composed myself but the damage is already done. My question is how do you recognize that the anger is there and do the exercises BEFORE it comes out? I didn't even realize I was feeling this way until I was blowing a gasket!

I'm going to go now and do some EFT to try and forgive myself for being such a crazy mom.

Peace and love


Sunday 17 June 2012

My personal energy story

I started on this path not much more than a month ago. I have had extraordinary physical and mental healing. I became interested in Energy Medicine after years of trying to help my partner Ryan, with his debilitating fibromyalgia. We had exhausted most conventional treatments. I knew Annie was into Reiki and thought I'd look into it. She told me she started energy healing after reading Donna Edens books Energy Medicine, and Energy Medicine for Women. That night I looked up Donna Eden on YouTube and found a two hour workshop taught by Donna and her husband David Feinstein,an expert in Energy Psychology. I was mesmerized...and totally hooked. I delved into everything I could about Donna Eden and Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT). I started doing the EFT for a stubborn knee injury. Two days later, miraculously, I was walking normal, without a limp and I was able to sit cross legged and do yoga again. I was blown away. I have devoted all my spare time since to learning about energy medicine. I watched every available video of Donna Eden, listened to every radio interview by her and read evy word of the book, Energy Medicine in record time. I was doing the 5 minute energy routine and feeling great. I decided to tackle a lifelong compulsion of biting the skin on my fingers.(gross, I know) I used a round of EFT one night and a round of EFT the next night and. The next day. The compulsions had dissolved away into nothing. I haven't gone back to biting and picking and that was three weeks ago! I never thought I would see the day my fingers were healthy. This was an obsessive compulsive behavior that I have had since before I have memory of it. THIS is what sold me. I know believe ANYTHING is possible with energy medicine. Any condition, any dis-ease, be it mental or physical. Everything is energy. YOU are energy, I am energy and we have access to the unlimited energy of the universe to heal our bodies energy, our minds energy and our spirit. As Donna says "the body already knows how to heal itself" and it's up to us to create the optimal conditions for it to do so. So you're thinking, 'I don't have cancer. I don't have a psychological condition. I don't have an injury that needs healing' BUT what if you have a hard time sleeping? What if you exercise and can't lose weight? What if you're always struggling with money? What if you have unresolved feelings for another person or difficult time in your life? What if you,re experiencing grief, guilt,jealously, self-esteem issues or loneliness? Energy medicine practices paired with energy psychology can be a potent and powerful tool to help you overcome and achieve your dreams, your health goals...your life's purpose! Stay tuned in and turned up! Next blog entry I'm going to go into details about my experiences healing my loved ones. Peace and love Cara P.s. apologies for the spacing! I couldn't figure out how to space the paragraphs for some reason!

Friday 15 June 2012

We All Start Somewhere

Thanks for visiting our new blog! We hope that this will help to inspire others to take an interest and become engaged in EEM. There is a lot to learn, and myself and Cara will endeavor to learn as much as we possibly can. This is a very exciting time for us!

"Energy is all there is!" These are the words of Einstein that Donna often refers to, which I think is a very true statement and an excellent place to start. The focus of Energy Medicine is the subtle energies that flow through us and around us, usually hovering just below our day to day awareness.

I discovered Donna Eden's books almost 2 years ago, when I found my self in the unbearable throws of health related anxiety. I was looking for a natural solution and that is exactly what I found between the pages of these extraordinary books. Not often do you find a book that will change your life, but that has been my experience with the Energy Medicine books, and I'm sure Cara will say the same! Over time I've also learned to rid myself of PMS, and with the help of a local EEM practitioner I was able to overcome the most stubborn of seasonal allergies. This is a great opportunity to give a shout out to Margie Mulcahy, our local EEM practitioner who has been an incredible well of knowledge and wisdom. I don't know where I would be today if I hadn't met her!

I have always had a particular affinity towards natural health and alternative healing. I wholeheartedly believe that I got my energetic awareness from my Dad. He taught me to meditate, and I learned about the chakra system from him, among many other things. He spoke about beautiful colours and now I have a much deeper understanding of where he was coming from. I believe he was on the cusp of something great, and since he left this world in 2008, now it’s up to me to pick up where he left off.

Anyone can learn these simple techniques to balance your own energies. Balanced energies bring health, joy and vitality! You don't need to wait until something happens, for example if you use the 5 minute daily energy routine to keep your energy humming you will help yourself to create strong energetic habits to stay balanced and feeling good. The world we live in today bombards us with toxic energies, which create imbalances in our energetic systems that will manifest as illness, allergies, lethargy, etc... EEM is a natural, simple, safe solution and is accessible to every human being!

Cara and I are registered for a Workshop with Donna Eden this coming October in Rhinebeck, New York. We are beyond excited, simply bubbling over with joy at the thoughts of possibly meeting her and her family!! Like I said, this is an incredibly exciting time in our lives!

As the journey continues, be sure to stay tuned!


Thursday 14 June 2012


First things first! If you know nothing about Energy Medicine you should take a look at these links or read the book Energy Medicine by Donna Eden.

Feel free to ask questions or leave comments! The more feedback the better :)