Tuesday 26 June 2012

I'm PSYCHIC! Wait...It's coming to me...YOU are too!

Ha ha! I love this topic because it makes me feel like a kid again. Tapping into your intuition is like bringing back all that is wonderful and mystical about living in this life we live in.

I have always relied on my intuition but more so since starting on this path of energy medicine. The practices in energy have tuned in my intuition the way one would fine tune a radio dial. The signals are crisp and clear and my gut affirms that they are right on the money.

Energy medicine and intuition go hand in hand. The more you use your intuition with energy medicine, the better you get and the more you practice energy medicine the better your intuition becomes.

I'm 34 years old and my whole life I have had visions of the future, visions of the past and very clear words or ideas come to mind to guide me in my choices. I believe that it's not just interpreting signals but creating what you want from believing it to be true. The law of attraction. I remember when I was 4 years old how I would intuit which grandparents house we would go to on Sunday, my Mom's parents or my Dads parents. I was always right. Never failed. I knew then that I had a special 'power'. At 4 years old I knew that I could not only predict what could happen but control what happened. We all create our own worlds.
This skill I carried with me growing up. When I was 13, I was madly in love with a boy from school. I was walking home one day and as I was approaching a house where a different boy lived. I vividly imagined that the boy I liked had gone over to this other boys house and the both of them were in there hanging out. This was far fetched since they didn't really know each other that well but I thought  'how cool it would be if they opened the door and walked out just as I was walking by'. My fantasy went on and on about how we would stop and talk and there would be a connection and we would fall in love and live happily ever after. I walked RIGHT in front of the house, the door opened and the two boys walked out. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but sure enough, there he was plain as day and gorgeous as ever. We ended up dating and we lived happily ever after! Well, as happily ever after as high school gets. A few weeks or so...HA!

I don't know where it waned, but somewhere in between teenage years and having children at 30 years old, it just wasn't there as much. I think it's because I convinced myself it wasn't real or trustworthy. It was dormant but still there and would resurface when the phone would ring and I would know who it was or something similar to that. I was secretly intuitive. One part of myself knowing it and another part ignoring it.

Since I have been studying energy, no more than two months, my intuition has blasted through in full force.  Here is an example. One of the first things I wanted to try on Ryan was magnets for pain relief. I knew I had a little round magnet somewhere in the house but didn't know where to look. I have two kids and there are many pockets, baskets, bins, and bags of miscellaneous toys, socks trinkets etc.. I thought, OK...I'll just go through the whole house until I find it! I also knew there was a little toy compass somewhere. Same scenario...turn the house upside down to find it.  It tuns out I didn't have to do any rummaging at all! I was on the phone with my good friend explaining this new energy thing I'm doing. I get really excited when I talk about energy, so I was pacing back and forth, talking a mile a minute. When I stop to breathe and listen to what she was saying. I look down and there stuck to my metal filing cabinet was my little round magnet! So I pick it up and no sooner is it in my hand that my gaze falls to a spot across the sea of toys and socks and there in a little clearing is the toy compass! EEEEEE! I now had both the compass and the magnet in my hand and I'm almost laughing on the phone while trying to listen to what my friend had to say.
Many other things happened too. I would just decide to try something on Ryan and then read up on it and it was the exact thing I should be doing. All the information out there was overwhelming to me at first but I was picking the right exercises to try.

It feels amazing to be able to just let it be what it is and trust in it. It's free! As I was saying to Annie last night as she was clearing my "shockers" (as Ryan thinks they are called) I mentioned how it feels like I've been practicing energy medicine my whole life. THAT is because my intuition guides my hands, my thoughts, my words. It is natural. She feels the same way. Now my everyday life is full of pleasant surprises too! I'm matching up my intention with my intuition and I'm receiving gifts from the spiritual and material world more and more frequently. I've never felt so positive that ANYTHING is possible.

Everyone has intuition, your energy is intelligent and is constantly giving you signs of what it needs to make your world the best of all possible worlds. I hope you all tune out, tune in, tune up, turn down, and start hearing what you are saying to yourself. Your soul knows where it wants to go and it will lead you there if you're willing to follow.

Peace and love,


1 comment:

  1. Last night Annie and I were marveling at the fact she got such an awesome massage table for $30. I decided that I would get one for $30 too. Just finished posting this and I looked on the classifieds website and there it was, the$30 massage table I specifically asked for. I was the first one to see the post and I'm going to pick it up tonight! HA There is no such thing as good luck, just good intentions!
