Wednesday 27 June 2012

Seasonal Allergies - Part 2 *Ah Ha!*

Don't you love that moment when all of a sudden the light comes on, and things finally start to make sense?! That's exactly what happened to me in the late summer of 2011 when the battle with allergies began to rage again. At this point I had read the Energy Medicine books, but since I only suffer with allergies for 10 or 12 weeks of the year, I wasn't particularly focused on that issue when I started reading these books during winter. I began to realize that my emotional past played a huge role in this recurring seasonal nightmare. And I hope by telling this story, it may help someone else who is searching for relief. (of course, I am not trying to imply that every allergy has an emotional link, but I believe it can be a definite possibility.)

As you may already know from a previous post, I lost my Dad in April of 2008. This was a huge loss in my life, me and my Dad were like peas in a pod! We shared the same birthday, the same interests, sense of humor personality... etc. I've learned a whole lot about grieving since then, and I still don't think I'm fully through it. One of the major things I've learned is that everyone's grief is intensely unique and personal, no one can tell you how to deal, and you yourself won't even know how so you just have to take it as it comes and let it happen. Since no two people have the same relationship, no two people will experience grief in the same way, I believe this is one of the greatest life lessons I've learned so far. For me, the full extent of that grief didn't come down on me until several months later. It was then I felt ready to cry and be sad, which was... you guessed it... late summer 2008.

Throughout my reading, I paid particular attention to a story that Donna Eden shared about a young woman who was eating a bowl of grapes when she received a phone call that her Mother had died, and ever since that moment she had developed a severe allergy to grapes. The key here is the triple warmer meridian.. in fact, triple warmer is much more than just a meridian, it is also recognized as a radiant circuit and is an energy system in itself. Triple warmer is our inner fighter, it governs the "fight, flight or freeze" response and our immune system, among other things. When triple warmer senses you are in danger it goes into high alert, and tries to protect you against things in your environment that are not really a direct threat. So, when that young woman was eating grapes and got the devastating phone call, she was sent into fight or flight, and triple warmer was considering the grapes to be a great threat.

It turns out that in my case, the great "danger" that was surrounding me during my time of grief (when my body was in fight or flight) was tree pollen in the atmosphere in late summer. I went to see our local homeopathic doctor who was able to energy test me for allergens. He noted that I had a mild allergy to dust, I was not allergic to dogs and nor did I have any trace of asthma. My severe allergy was indeed tree pollen being released into the atmosphere at a time corresponding to when that terrible grief fell upon me back in 2008. And these stubborn symptoms come back to haunt me every year at the same time.

Armed with this information I finally felt that things were coming together for me. Now, I just needed some help to get good ol' triple warmer back on track. Since then I've learned several techniques that have helped me breathe clearly, and that will be the topic of my next post!


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