Sunday 17 June 2012

My personal energy story

I started on this path not much more than a month ago. I have had extraordinary physical and mental healing. I became interested in Energy Medicine after years of trying to help my partner Ryan, with his debilitating fibromyalgia. We had exhausted most conventional treatments. I knew Annie was into Reiki and thought I'd look into it. She told me she started energy healing after reading Donna Edens books Energy Medicine, and Energy Medicine for Women. That night I looked up Donna Eden on YouTube and found a two hour workshop taught by Donna and her husband David Feinstein,an expert in Energy Psychology. I was mesmerized...and totally hooked. I delved into everything I could about Donna Eden and Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT). I started doing the EFT for a stubborn knee injury. Two days later, miraculously, I was walking normal, without a limp and I was able to sit cross legged and do yoga again. I was blown away. I have devoted all my spare time since to learning about energy medicine. I watched every available video of Donna Eden, listened to every radio interview by her and read evy word of the book, Energy Medicine in record time. I was doing the 5 minute energy routine and feeling great. I decided to tackle a lifelong compulsion of biting the skin on my fingers.(gross, I know) I used a round of EFT one night and a round of EFT the next night and. The next day. The compulsions had dissolved away into nothing. I haven't gone back to biting and picking and that was three weeks ago! I never thought I would see the day my fingers were healthy. This was an obsessive compulsive behavior that I have had since before I have memory of it. THIS is what sold me. I know believe ANYTHING is possible with energy medicine. Any condition, any dis-ease, be it mental or physical. Everything is energy. YOU are energy, I am energy and we have access to the unlimited energy of the universe to heal our bodies energy, our minds energy and our spirit. As Donna says "the body already knows how to heal itself" and it's up to us to create the optimal conditions for it to do so. So you're thinking, 'I don't have cancer. I don't have a psychological condition. I don't have an injury that needs healing' BUT what if you have a hard time sleeping? What if you exercise and can't lose weight? What if you're always struggling with money? What if you have unresolved feelings for another person or difficult time in your life? What if you,re experiencing grief, guilt,jealously, self-esteem issues or loneliness? Energy medicine practices paired with energy psychology can be a potent and powerful tool to help you overcome and achieve your dreams, your health goals...your life's purpose! Stay tuned in and turned up! Next blog entry I'm going to go into details about my experiences healing my loved ones. Peace and love Cara P.s. apologies for the spacing! I couldn't figure out how to space the paragraphs for some reason!

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